Author: Charles Michel

There are a number of debt solutions on the market; each has its benefits and its drawbacks depending on the personal, financial circumstances of the individual facing the problem of mounting debt. Of course, as everyone’s financial circumstances are different, they will face different debt problems and the most suitable solution to those problems will differ from person to person. Some facing the most severe financial situations could find that bankruptcy is the best route to freedom from debt. Others could find that an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) is the best answer to their debt problem. Likewise, it could be…

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Bankruptcy is the most severe debt solution on the market. It can often go hand in hand with repossession of your most valuable assets and as a result, it’s commonly accepted that if you’re trying to avoid bankruptcy, it’s often your best option to go for an Individual Voluntary Arrangement. There are some inherent advantages to the IVA over a bankruptcy order but for assistance in deciding what solution best suits your circumstances, 

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There’s been a marked increase in the popularity of debt consolidation loans in the UK over the past decade. This has coincided with the swell in British property prices and is no doubt a response to the additional equity that homeowners have at their disposal. So, using this equity to secure a loan in order to service your other financial responsibilities is a popular solution to the problem of mounting debt. The equity in your home is an asset that can be used as collateral, giving you greater financial leverage when looking for affordable personal finance. Now though, as UK…

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For years now you’ve been thinking of getting that solar heating system installed but something prevents you from doing so. It isn’t the money nor is the time spent on finding the right system that’s preventing you; it’s the worry about the cold winter months that put a slight damper on your plans.

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No one really realises the importance of a new boiler until it packs up and you are left with no hot water, no heating and a gigantic repair bill. However, you will also be left with the knowledge that taking your boiler for granted can have serious and inconvenient consequences. But instead of waiting for your boiler to break, rather invest your money in a brand new boiler and eliminate the element of surprise.

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Identity theft is the act of stealing a person’s personal information and in its most common forms, involves criminals taking documents from your rubbish or by posing as a representative of a legitimate organisation. If your identity is stolen, you could well find it difficult to get a loan, apply for a credit card or be approved for a mortgage. The effect of identity theft on your credit rating can be disastrous and often, this is the first sign that you have actually been the subject of this type of fraud. Essentially, someone will be building up significant levels debt…

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Recent figures suggest that house prices in the UK have started to slowly rise again and with them, the mortgages granted to first-time buyers have followed the trend and shown a gradual increase over the past few months. Sadly though, the increase in house value has still left a great many families struggling with the burden of negative equity. Facing the threat of repossession, it can feel that you have nowhere left to turn. Severe debt problems can lead to the loss your home but there are steps that you can take to safeguard the roof over your family’s head.

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Recent research has brought to light that over the past year alone, a potential one million UK households have gone into further debt on a credit card in order to service their mortgage payments or their rent. That’s about 6% of Britain’s homes and in addition to the proportion of households, the findings also suggested that it is those people who are considered to be in lower social groups that are most likely to rely on their credit cards to keep a roof over their head.

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Pet insurance might not be something the average pet owner thinks about often. This type of insurance is normally affordable – except when your pets are old – and has been around since Claes Virgin, a Swede, created the first insurance policy in the late 19th century.

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It is every cat owner’s responsibility to have their pet fitted with an ID (identification) tag, whether it’s an indoor or outdoor cat. Pet tags are available in a host of shapes, sizes, colours, styles and materials, making it possible for you to choose a pet ID tag that best suits your cat. So before heading out and purchasing a pet tag for your cat, consider these tips:

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