The most disconcerting thing about the post delivery is the appearance of the abdominal skin and looseness of the abdomen. This, in some cases does not return to the pre-pregnancy shape despite dieting and vigorous exercise. Stretch marks result from the natural elastic of the skin breaking from being over stretched in a very short period of time, resulting in the visible marks. Stretch marks cannot be removed with topical cream and lasers. Once you have completed your family and not planning any further babies, then a tummy tuck is the appropriate procedure to help you regain your pre pregnancy abdomen. The tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a surgery wherein the abdominal skin, which is stretch and loose, and the excess fat are removed. An abdominoplasy can be combined with liposuction and other contouring procedure but this is a decision that is made in consultation with a cosmetic surgeon.
Liposuction NJ is not a way to lose weight. It is best suited for a woman who is 15-20 per cent of her ideal body weight. Liposuction will help you lose inches and the bulges and contours that you cannot get rid of despite diet and exercise. After liposuction you can still put on weight in the area treated, but may be not to the same extent. There is a misconception that the fat will appear in different areas after liposuction is performed. This is not entirely true. If you have liposuction on the hips once, than fat mat still accumulated there if you do not watch your diet or exercise to maintain your figure. When you go for cosmetic surgery ensure that you have completed breastfeeding, have given yourself adequate time to lose weight at least six month since your delivery. Your weight is stable and you have completed your family.